Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tired from the turkey?

Does eating turkey make you tired? Turkey does contain tryptophan and is an amino acid and is used to make serotonin. Serotonin makes you feel calm, and makes you feel good! Unfortunately there is NOT enough tryptophan in the turkey to make you tired. Actually, cheese and chicken breast has more tryptophan than turkey! Then why are you sleepy? It is probably the stress of the holidays or all the fat and calories you just consumed!


  1. If I go to the market and buy a turkey, how am gonna know if it's a virgin or not?

  2. Unless the Turkey says "Wild caught" on the package then the turkey you are eating is a product of artificial insemination! Farmers have been breading tukeys with the biggest breast tissue for so many years that they can no longer sexually reproduce naturally.
